It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or deposit upon a City street leaves, grass or any other landscape debris likely to be washed into the storm sewer and clog the storm system. Any owner, owner’s agent, or occupant of the property in violation of this provision shall be subject to the following fine schedule:
1. First Offence: Written Warning
2. Second Offence: $50.00
3. Third Offence:$100.00
4. Every Offence Thereafter: $150.00
5. The City or their agents may clean deposited leaves, grass, or any other landscape debris which have been placed on the City Street and for which a fine has been issued, and a charge of $75.00 per hour for such work, plus a surcharge of $100.00, will be charged to the property owner. Payment shall be made in the same manner in which is described in 52.06.
(Ch. 52 – Ord. 539 – Apr. 16 Supp.)