(A)   Sidewalks. The cost of the construction of sidewalks shall be assessed on the basis of frontage against property abutting the side of the street on which the sidewalk is located.
   (B)   Water and sewer.
      (1)   The cost of lateral water mains not exceeding 2 inches in diameter and of lateral sanitary sewer mains not exceeding 4 inches in diameter shall be assessed against abutting property on the basis of frontage.
      (2)   The cost of water mains to be assessed includes the service lines if furnished, hydrants and valves. The cost of sewer mains includes lines if furnished.
   (C)   Streets. The cost of construction of curbs and gutters on any street, of grading, oiling and applying non-permanent surfacing to any street, or of applying permanent surfaces to residential streets shall be assessed on the basis of frontage.
   (D)   Nuisances.
      (1)   The cost of abating nuisances and draining of swamps, marshes and ponds on public or private property and filling the same shall be assessed in a manner determined by the Council in each case to measure most equitably the benefit received by the property to be assessed.
      (2)   The assessment in any like case may be made against non-abutting property to the extent the property is benefitted by the improvement.
(1986 Code, § 303.05)