(A)   Trunk water mains and sanitary sewers.
      (1)   When a water or sewer main is laid across or adjacent to unplatted property, the city shall not defer the assessment against the unplatted property if the assessment would be made for such an improvement in the case of platted property, but the city shall make the assessment at the time the assessment against other property is made, apportioning the assessment against the unplatted property on the basis of area.
      (2)   When a trunk sewer or water main is constructed and is to serve also as a lateral sewer or water main for abutting property, the abutting property shall be assessed for the cost of a lateral sewer or water main of 8 inches plus its proportionate share of the cost of the excess capacity.
      (3)   Other property benefitted by the trunk sewer or water main but unable to utilize it until a lateral connected to the trunk sewer or water main has been building to serve the property shall not be assessed for its share of the cost of the trunk sewer or water main until the lateral is built.
      (4)   The assessment for the lateral shall then include the property’s share of the trunk sewer or water main. The cost of the trunk sewer or water main in excess of the lateral assessment shall be assessed on the basis of frontage (area, frontage or other rule) against all properties benefitted.
      (5)   The cost of a lift station shall be assessed on the basis of cost (area, frontage or other rule) against that property actually benefitted by the lift station.
   (B)    Storm sewers. One hundred percent of the cost of constructing storm sewers shall be paid by the city from general funds.
(1986 Code, § 303.04)