(a)   Once potentially fraudulent activity is detected, a rapid appropriate response may protect against identity theft damages and losses.
      (1)   Once potentially fraudulent activity is detected, the village personnel or service provider involved shall gather all related documentation, prepare a written description of the situation, and submit the documentation and written description to the designated authority for review.
      (2)   The designated authority shall determine whether the attempted transaction was fraudulent or authentic.
   (b)   If a transaction is determined to be fraudulent, appropriate action must be taken immediately, which may include the following:
      (1)   Canceling the transaction.
      (2)   Notifying and cooperating with the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
      (3)   Determining the extent of the village's liability, if any.
      (4)   Notifying all affected parties that a fraud has been attempted.
(Ord. 08-11-02.  Passed 1-13-09.)