No person shall locate, construct, use, operate, repair or maintain any swimming pool or permit or suffer water to accumulate in any swimming pool to a depth of eighteen inches at any point, unless there is constructed immediately surrounding and completely enclosing such swimming pool fencing as follows:
   (a)   In-Ground Pool. Fencing shall be a minimum thirty-six inches and not exceed seventy-two inches in height as measured from grade along the line of the fence installed.
   (b)   Above-Ground Pool. Fencing shall be a minimum thirty-six inches and not exceed seventy-two inches in height as measured from grade along the line of the fence installed. If the sides of the pool are forty-two inches or more above the minimum adjacent grade and the pool is equipped with a removable ladder or a ladder that folds up and locks in an upright position when the pool is not in use, then additional fencing shall not be required. A thirty-six inch minimum guardrail conforming to the Wayne County Building Code is required for any porch, balcony or raised floor surface located more than thirty inches above the floor grade below.
   (c)   All gates within fencing surrounding swimming pools shall be equipped with a key or combination lock.
   (d)   Fencing shall be designed to prevent unauthorized entrance of children and animals into any pool.
      (Ord. 80-98. Passed 12-21-98.)