The official adopted geographic area of city impact is as follows:
Starting at the SE corner of the NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 12 T36N, R1E B.M.; thence South to the common corner of Section 12 T36N, R1E B.M., Section 13 T36N, R1E B.M., Section 7 T36N, R2E B.M., Section 18 T36N, R2E B.M.; thence East to the SE corner of SW1/4 Section 10 T36N, R2E B.M.; thence North to the NE corner of NW1/4 of Section 34 T37N, R2E B.M.; thence West to the common corner of Section 31 T37N, R2E B.M., Section 30 T37N, R2E B.M., Section 36 T37N, R1E B.M., Section 25 T37N, R1E B.M.; thence South to the NE corner of the SE1/4 SE1/4 Section 36 T37N, R1E B.M.; thence West to the NW corner of the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 36 T37N, R1E B.M.; thence South to the high water line of the Southern side of the Clearwater River; thence traveling in a generally West by Northwesterly direction along the high water line of the Southern side of the Clearwater River to a point at which said high water line intersects with the section line separation Section 32 and Section 33 T37N, R1E B.M.; thence South to the SW corner of the NW1/4 NW1/4 Section 4 T36N, R1E B.M.; thence East to the SE corner of NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 4 T36N, R1E B.M.; thence South to the common corner of Section 3,4,9, and 10, T36N, R1E B.M.; thence East to NW corner of NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 12 T36N, R1E B.M.; thence South to the SW corner NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 12 T36N, R1E B.M.; thence to the point of beginning.
INCLUDING: all real property lying outside of the municipal boundaries of the city of Orofino, Idaho within the unincorporated area of Clearwater County, Idaho and lying within the following sections:
Section 12, T36N, R1E B.M. NENE
Section 01, T36N, R1E B.M. entire section
Section 02, T36N, R1E B.M. south of the Clearwater River
Section 03, T36N, R1 B.M. south to the Clearwater River
Section 04, T36N, R1E B.M. North 1/2 of the North 1/2
Section 33, T37N, R1E B.M. south of the Clearwater River
Section 36, T37N, R1E B.M. South 1/2 of the South 1/2
Section 31, T37N, R2E B.M. entire section
Section 32, T37N, R2E B.M. entire section
Section 33, T37N, R2E B.M. entire section
Section 34, T37N, R2E B.M. W1/2
Section 03, T36N, R2E B.M. W1/2
Section 10, T36N, R2E B.M. W1/2
Section 09, T36N, R2E B.M. entire section
Section 08, T36N, R2E B.M. entire section
Section 07, T36N, R2E B.M. entire section
Section 04, T36N, R2E B.M. entire section
Section 05, T36N, R2E B.M. entire section
Section 06, T36N, R2E B.M. entire section
   (Ord. 714, 12-23-2002)