5-1-4: FEES:
   A.   There is hereby levied upon and shall be collected from every person engaged in any business or occupation within the city a permit fee for the privilege of engaging in business, in an amount to be determined by the application of the rates hereinafter set forth. Such permit fees shall be determined by business and occupation classification as follows:
      1.   Class A ($35.00): Class A businesses are all businesses, occupations or activities that fall under any of the definitions set forth in section 5-1-2 of this chapter, but excluding those businesses, occupations or activities that are exempt under section 5-1-5 of this chapter, or which are specifically reclassified under this chapter. These businesses are the permanent establishments which are on the tax rolls and maintain an office or building within the city limits.
      2.   Class B ($35.00 Per Week/$50.00 Per Month/$200.00 Per Year): Class B businesses are all businesses, occupations or activities which fall under the definition of hawker, canvasser, solicitor or "peddler" as defined in section 5-1-2 of this chapter.
      3.   Class C ($350.00): Class C businesses, occupations or activities include all circuses, fairs, carnivals, animal shows and similar activities that are temporary in nature and who request permission to operate within the city. Excluded from this class are those businesses which have entered into a contract with the city either directly or through a third party or organization.
      4.   Class D ($35.00): Home occupations as defined in section 5-1-2 of this chapter and section 11-2-1 of this code.
      5.   Class E ($35.00): Class E businesses are all businesses, occupations or activities which fall under the definition of mobile cart, mobile trailer, and mobile vehicle as defined in section 5-1-2 of this chapter.
      6.   Class F ($35.00): Temporary merchants who are classified as a nonmobile vendor who set up business on private property for five (5) days or less.
      7.   Class G (unspecified): Class G businesses are all businesses, occupations or activities that cannot easily be classified in any of the preceding classes, but constitute engaging in business activity with the intent to profit thereby. The fee will be determined by city staff and based upon the services required from the city and upon the nature of the business. (Ord. 784, 5-12-2015)