A.   Creation.  There is hereby established a Plan Commission.
   B.   Powers and Duties. The Plan Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
      1.   If requested by the Board of Trustees:
         a.   To prepare or cause to be prepared a Comprehensive Plan, a Capital Improvements Plan and overlay plans; to submit such plans to the Board of Trustees for review and approval and to submit to the Board of Trustees an annual report recommending amendments to such plans;
         b.   To hear, review and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees in regard to amendment of the Zoning District Map;
         c.   To hear, review and recommend to the Board of Trustees approval or disapproval of applications for special use permits;
         d.   To initiate, hear, review and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on applications for amendments to the text of these regulations;
         e.   To review site plans for multi-family and non-residential development, landscaping plans, and other appearance related matters;
         f.   To hear, review, and recommend approval or disapproval of all applications for approval of plats of subdivision in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-112; and
         g.   To hear, review and decide appeals from administrative decisions.
      2.   To make its special knowledge and expertise available upon reasonable written request and authorization of the Board of Trustees to any official, department, board, commission or agency of the County, State or Federal governments;
      3.   To adopt such rules, as are approved by the Board of Trustees, to govern the Commission's proceedings as are necessary for the administration of its responsibilities, not inconsistent with these regulations;
      4.   To hold public hearings and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on applications for designation of historic landmarks in Orland Park as are referred to it by the Board;
      5.   To review demolition and building permit applications and issue or deny Certificates of Appropriateness for property within historic districts or designated as a historic landmark;
      6.   To advise owners on correct techniques for altering historic landmarks and property within historic districts;
      7.   To hold public hearings and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on all matters relating to construction and alteration of historic landmarks or property within historic districts;
      8.   To adopt criteria for the review of applications for Certificates of Appropriateness and other applications for development approval affecting historic districts or landmarks;
      9.   To submit an annual report of its activities and other reports as necessary;
      10.   To maintain a register of designated districts and landmarks and work to educate the residents of the Village about its heritage;
      11.   To examine and evaluate all methods of financial assistance for historic preservation;
      12.   Develop appearance, architectural and beautification plans for a historic district, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the Village and with existing ordinances. Elements and factors to be used in these plans shall include but not be restricted to improved and unimproved land, open spaces, streets and parkways, gardens, malls, setbacks and rights-of-way, external architectural features of buildings and structures of all types, existing and future, landscaping, land topography, plant life, walks, drives, parking area, plazas, exterior furniture, hardware, signs, markers, posts, fences, barriers, light and lighting, and supplementary structures and appurtenances;
      13.   Consult with the Development Services Department, the Parking and Traffic Advisory Board, other Village departments and any other governmental bodies, property owners, or homeowners groups or business groups which represent the historic district area or express interest in participating;
      14.   Study exterior design drawings, landscape and site plans and materials for any proposed public improvements within a historic district; and
      15.   To perform such other duties as are assigned by the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 4940 - 11/3/14)
   C.   Qualifications for Membership. Members of the Plan Commission shall be residents of the Village. In the event that any member is no longer such a resident or is convicted of a felony or an offense involving moral turpitude while in office, the Board of Trustees shall terminate the appointment of such person as a member of the Commission. Special consideration shall be given to individuals who have a background in real estate, architecture, landscape architecture, planning or historic preservation. (Ord. 4940 - 11/3/14)
   D.   Membership, Appointment, Removal, Terms and Vacancies. There shall be a total of seven members. Membership, Appointment, Removal, Terms and Vacancies shall be as provided by the Village Board of Trustees by Ordinance. (Ord. 3199 - 11/16/98)
   E.   Recording Secretary. The Director of the Development Services Department shall appoint a Recording Secretary to serve the Plan Commission. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the Commission, which minutes shall be a summary of all proceedings before the Commission, attested to by the Secretary, and which shall include the vote of each member upon every question. The minutes shall be approved by a majority of the members of the Commission voting. In addition, the Secretary shall maintain all records of Commission meetings, hearings and proceedings, the correspondence of the Commission, and a mailing list of persons wishing to receive notice of meetings, agendas or minutes and who have paid an annual fee set by the Board of Trustees to cover copying and mailing costs. (Ord. 4940 - 11/3/14)
   F.   Staff. TheDevelopment Services Department shall be the professional staff of the Plan Commission. (Ord. 4940 - 11/3/14)
   G.   Quorum and Necessary Vote. No meeting of the Plan Commission may be called to order, nor may any business be transacted by the Commission, without a quorum consisting of at least four (4) members of the Commission being present. The Chairman shall be considered and counted as a member. The concurring vote of at least four (4) members shall be necessary for the Commission to take action on special use applications, final subdivision plat approvals, or amendments to the text of these regulations, the Comprehensive Plan, or to the Zoning District Map. All other actions shall require the concurring vote of a simple majority of the members of the Commission then present and voting. (Ord. 3199 - 11/16/98; Amd. Ord. 4940 - 11/3/14)
   H.   Meetings, Hearings and Procedure.
      1.   Regular meetings of the Plan Commission shall be held twice a month. Special meetings may be called by the President of the Board of Trustees, the Chairman of the Plan Commission, a majority of the members of the Plan Commission, or a majority of the Board of Trustees.
      2.   If a matter is postponed due to lack of a quorum, the Chairman of the Plan Commission shall continue the meeting as a special meeting to be held at the same location as soon thereafter as practical. In case of delays caused by other reasons, any hearing should be rescheduled to the next Commission meeting. The Secretary shall notify all members of the date of the continued meeting and also shall notify all parties.
      3.   All meetings and hearings of the Commission shall be open to the public.
      4.   Public hearings shall be set for a time certain.
      5.   No fewer than two (2) members shall attend at least one informational or educational meeting per year; as approved by the State Historic Preservation Officer, pertaining to the work and functions of the Commission or to historic preservation.
      6.   The Plan Commission shall transmit an annual report of its activities per year, as approved by the State Historic Preservation Officer. Such reports shall include, at a minimum, the number of cases reviewed, new designations made, progress on survey activities, resumes for new Commission members, attendance records, and documentation for the educational and information meetings referenced in the paragraph above. Reports shall be submitted within sixty (60) days after the end of the fiscal year for the Village.
      7.   The Plan Commission shall monitor and notify the State Historic Preservation Officer of an actual or proposed demolition or actual or proposed major alteration affecting any property in its jurisdiction listed in the Illinois Register of Historic Places. The State Historic Preservation Officer shall provide updated listings of both Registers to the Commission and the President of the Board of Trustees.
      8.   The responsibilities of the Plan Commission shall be complementary to and carried out in coordination with the responsibilities of the State Historic Preservation Officer pursuant to state and federal laws and regulations as they relate to historic preservation, landmarks, and historic districts.
(Ord. 4940 - 11/3/14)