For the purpose of this Section the words "camp car or trailer" and the words "campgrounds" are hereby defined as follows:
A camp car or trailer is any unit used for living or sleeping purposes and which is equipped with wheels or similar devices used for the purpose of transporting said unit from place to place, whether by motive power or other means. A campground is any place, area or tract of land upon which is located any camp car or trailer, which is in actual use as the habitation of any human being or beings.
No campground as hereinabove defined shall be established or located within the limits of the Village. It shall be unlawful for any person to camp, or to engage in the activity of unauthorized camping, or to store personal property, including camp facilities or camp paraphernalia, within the following areas: Any street or right-of-way; any bridge; or any park or recreational facility; any public property, improved or unimproved; or on any public property where camping obstructs or interferes with the intended public use of the property.
(Ord. 12, 3-25-46; Amd. Ord. 5926, 8-5-24)