A. Applications for permits to install, maintain and operate an alarm system shall be filed with the Orland Park Police Department on the form the Department is hereby authorized to prepare as part of its alarm tracking system. An application fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall accompany the completed form. Transfer of ownership or lease of a business or home will require a new application fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) if the alarm system is to be used by the new tenant(s).
B. The information contained in an alarm user application required by this section and other information received by the Chief of Police through correspondence or communications with an alarm user shall be securely maintained and restricted to inspection only by the Chief of Police or certain officers or Village employees specifically assigned the responsibility for handling and processing alarm user authorizations in the course of official duties. Neither the Chief of Police nor any employee of the Village shall knowingly or willfully reveal the information contained in an alarm user authorization application or in correspondence or communication with an alarm user to any other person for any purpose not related to this Chapter or official law enforcement matters without the written consent of the alarm user supplying such information.
C. The Chief of Police shall approve an application if he finds that:
1 There is a statement that the equipment complies with the standard of Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Material, Canadian Standards Association or an equivalent organization.
2. The alarm equipment supplier installing the device maintains an adequate service organization to repair, maintain and otherwise service the system sold, leased or installed by him.
3. The alarm application is completed in its entirety.
D. The Chief of Police may impose reasonable conditions on the issuance and exercise of a permit.
E. Approved alarm system permit holders shall update the information in the permit application as follows:
1 Business alarm users shall update all required information in their alarm permit in conjunction with their annual business license applications for every odd-numbered year with a form provided with their business license application form or via the online form available through the Village website. There is no fee for this service.
2 Residential alarm users shall update all required information in their alarm permit every five years or fraction thereof during the years 2010, 2015, 2020, etc., with a form provided by the Village or via the online form available through the Village website. There is no fee for this service.
(Ord. 4415, 9-15-08)