7-12-4: LICENSE:
   The Village Clerk, upon receipt of an application giving fully and completely the information under oath as required above and upon receipt of the fee hereinafter provided for, shall issue a license to the applicant therefor authorizing such applicant to advertise, represent, and to sell the particular goods so inventoried at the time and place stated in the application and in accordance with these provisions. The license shall be issued in duplicate and shall bear a number and date of its expiration. A license issued under this Ordinance shall be granted and valid only for the sale of the inventories goods which are the property of the licensee. Such license shall apply only to the premises specified in the application, and it may not be transferred or assigned. If a licensee is engaged in business in other locations, advertising or offering of goods on behalf of such locations shall not represent or imply any participation in or cooperation with the sale on the premises specified in the license, nor shall any advertising or any other offering of goods on behalf of the premises where the licensed sale is being conducted represent or imply any participation in or cooperation with such sale at other locations.
   No license shall be issued to any person:
   (a)   To conduct a sale in the trade name or style of a person in whose goods the applicant for the license has acquired a right or title thereto within 6 months prior to the time of making application for such a license;
   (b)   To continue a sale in the name of a licensee under this Ordinance in whose goods such person acquired a right or title while such a sale is in progress; or
   (c)   To conduct a sale, other than an insurance sale, a salvage sale or a sale of damaged goods, on the same premises within one year from the conclusion of a prior sale of the nature covered by this section.
   The previous sentence, including subparts (a), (B) and (C) thereof, shall not apply to any person who acquired a right, title or interest in goods as an heir, legatee or pursuant to an order or process of a court of competent jurisdiction.