(a)   Channel Capacity. During the term of a Grant, a System shall at all times have a minimum capacity of at least 54 Channels.
   (b)   Technological Developments. A Company shall continuously monitor developments in cable technology. At the Village's request, at any time during the fifth year of the term of the Grant, the Franchisee shall prepare and deliver a report describing developments in cable technology and whether and when a Company plans to incorporate such developments into System. Based on this report, the Village may determine that the System or a Franchise Agreement should be updated, changed, revised, or that additional services should be provided, but only if such update, change, revision or provision of additional services is economically feasible for a Company. Economic feasibility shall be mutually determined by the Village and a Company in good faith following an evaluation of a Company's financial condition, economic waste, if any, that would occur should the changes be made, the remaining term of the Grant, and the rate of return on a Company's investment (both prior investment and proposed future investment) in the System. Upon the mutual consent of the Village and a Company, a Franchise Agreement shall be amended to incorporate the determinations made as a result of this process.
   (c)   Leased Access. A Company shall provide leased access channels on a System in accordance with applicable requirements of federal law and the regulations of the FCC.
   (d)   No Obscenity. Within the limits of federal, state and local law, a Company shall not offer or permit a System to present obscene material.
   (e)   Emergency Alert System. In the event of an emergency or disaster, a Company shall, upon request of the Village, make available the System for emergency use during the period of such emergency or disaster and shall use its best efforts to provide such personnel as may be necessary to operate the System under the circumstances. A Company shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this subsection (e) so long as it is in compliance with the regulations promulgated by the FCC relating to the Emergency Alert System (47 C. F. R. Part 11), as amended from time to time.
   (f)   Local Studio. During the term of a Grant, a Company shall maintain a studio within the Village for local programming. To improve the quality of such programming, a Company shall purchase and install, equipment as provided in the Franchise Agreement. Upon request, the local studio shall be made available from time to time to the Village, its agencies, public service organizations, local producers and schools lying wholly or partly within the Village for production of community-related programming. A Company shall establish and disseminate a procedure for reserving studio time and use of the studio. Additionally, a Company shall hold training classes for interested persons at least twice each calendar year, or more often if there are at least eight interested people registered at any given time. The availability of the training classes will be publicized on a Company's local origination channel.
   (g)   Local Origination Programming. During the term of a Grant, a Company shall maintain at least one Channel on the System for the carriage of local origination programming. Local origination programming shall consist of programming (i) produced or acquired by a Company and of local interest to the Village and its residents, (ii) produced by residents of the Village, subject to a Company's editorial control, and (iii) character generated programming, which will include information and public notices submitted by the Village. A Company shall make up to 25 hours per week of the local origination channel's program schedule available for programming produced by residents of the Village, at least 10 hours of which would be aired between 6:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
   (h)   Production Internships.
      i)   During the term of a Grant, a Company and its affiliates serving communities in the south suburban area shall sponsor an internship program for college students and qualified residents who are pursuing degrees and/or careers in the telecommunications industry. Between two and four internships per trimester shall be offered to college students residing in the south suburban area as part of this program, and the program shall be conducted in substantially the same manner as the college internship program offered in 1995.
      ii)   During the term of a Grant, a Company shall establish and maintain a production internship program for high school seniors. A Company shall offer two internships per school semester. The program shall include the following elements:
         *   Eligibility: High school seniors, at least 16 years of age and a resident of a community served by the System, with an interest in a career in the telecommunications industry.
         *   Commitment: Five to ten hours weekly for the length of the school semester. A Company shall work with the, high schools to determine whether the internship would merit substantial credit for the intern.
         *   Responsibilities: Shall be determined by a Company, but may include training as a camera operator (studio and remote), character generator operator, videotape editor, sports statistician, audio operator, feature news writer or on-camera anchor or reporter.
         *   Benefits: The internships shall be paid minimum hourly wages; however, in addition to possible school credit and practical experience, a Company will assist interns in assembling a video resume reel.
   (i)   Scholarship Program. During the term of a Grant, a Company shall establish and fund a scholarship program for graduating high school students in the Village. A Company shall fund two $500 scholarships each year to be awarded by the Village to two graduating high school students who have plans to enroll in a four-year college program or similar media-related training program and are interns with a Company. A Company shall work with the Village to establish the scholarship application and selection process.