A.   Upon receipt of a completed application, the Chief of Police shall review the application and all supporting documentation, and shall cause an investigation to be made as to the applicant's criminal record, if any, and compliance with all of the applicable laws and ordinances of the State and the Village.
   B.   Within ten (10) working days of receiving the application, the Chief of Police shall issue a solicitation license if a determination is made that:
      1.   The material statements made in the application are true;
      2.   The applicant had not been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor involving dishonesty, theft, fraud, false statements, a threat to public safety, or a crime involving sex offense, or offenses involving bodily harm against persons under the laws of this State or any other state or federal law of the United States within five (5) years of the date of the permit application;
      3.   The applicant has not had a previously issued solicitation license revoked by the Village or by any other municipality within five (5) years of the date of the application.
   C.   If the Chief of Police determines and finds that the applicant has not met one (1) or more of the above conditions, the Chief of Police shall deny issuance of the solicitation license and shall give written notification of such denial to the applicant. Such notice shall be delivered in person or by U.S. mail, addressed to the residence address set forth in the license application, stating the action taken and the reasons supporting such action.
   D.   If the Chief of Police fails, within ten (10) business days of receipt of the license application, to act on the application, then, provided that the license fee has been paid, as applicable, the application shall be considered granted.
   E.   The Chief of Police shall cause to be kept in his or her office an accurate record of every application received and acted upon together with all other information and data pertaining thereto and all licenses issued under the provisions of this Chapter, and of the denial of applications. Applications for licenses shall be numbered in consecutive order, as filed, and every license issued shall be identified with the duplicate number of the application upon which it was issued.
(Amd. Ord. 5420, 7-15-19)