Every operator of a dry cleaning establishment shall maintain and operate the establishment so as to satisfy the following requirements:
      (1)   Installation:
         Machines shall not be installed in buildings used in whole or in part as dwellings.
         A satisfactory means of preventing any leaking liquid from escaping the enclosure or room in which the dry cleaning equipment is installed shall be provided. In order to accomplish this a method must be provided for drainage or otherwise removing the solvent in the event of leakage. Such drain shall be connected to an emergency solvent storage tank of sufficient capacity to hold the maximum quantity of fluid contained in all the machines.
         An interlock system shall be provided on each machine to prevent the loading door from being opened during the normal cycle. This system may be either electrical and/or mechanical and so connected that in the event of a power failure the machine fails safe.
         Exhaust ventilation stacks from the dry cleaning machines shall not be located in proximity to combustion air intakes on gas or oil fired equipment.
   In self-service establishments, the layout of each store shall be such that only the front or customer side of the dry cleaning machines shall be readily accessible to the customer area and that the maintenance portions of the machines shall not be accessible from the customer area.
      (2)   Operation:
         In self-service establishments, an attendant shall be present and on duty during all operational hours of each store.
         Only the solvent and supplies specified by the equipment manufacturer shall be used; provided, however, that in no event shall a flammable solvent be used in the dry cleaning machines.
         The solvent shall be stored in closed containers and transferred from such containers in lines free of leaks or defects. All storage facilities for solvent external from the dry cleaning machines shall meet the requirements of the Chief of the Fire Protection District.
         Filter residue and other residues containing solvent shall be handled and disposed of so as not to create a nuisance. A covered metal container shall be used for temporary storage.
         The design of each dry cleaning machine shall be such that in the normal course of operation no significant amount of solvent is retained in the cleaned items upon completion of the dry cleaning cycle.
         In self-service establishments, customer service areas of each store shall be provided with general dilution ventilation (exhaust air flow rates) according to the following schedule:
Minimum Air Flow Rate
Number of Machines
Per Machine (C.F.M.)
1 - 3
4 - 8
9 - 16
17 or more
         This exhaust ventilation shall be in continuous operation during all operational hours of each store.
         Maintenance areas of each store shall be provided with general dilution ventilation (exhaust air flow rates) according to the following schedule:
Minimum Air Flow Rate
Number of Machines
Per Machine (C.F.M.)
1 - 3
4 - 8
9 - 16
17 or more
         All exhaust ventilation equipment shall be in operation on a continuous basis during the hours each store is open to the public. The fan wiring of the exhaust equipment shall be such that the dry cleaning machines cannot be operated unless the fan system is in operation.
         Each dry cleaning machine shall be provided with an exhaust system capable of maintaining a minimum of one hundred feet (100') per minute face velocity through the loading door whenever the door is open, which exhaust system shall be in operation during all times of operation of the dry cleaning machine to which it is affixed. The dual work connections from this system shall be sealed by solder or tape and the discharge stack extended above the roof line.
         A supply of make-up air equal to or greater than the total volume of air exhausted from the store shall be provided for the purpose of eliminating negative pressure conditions.
         All machinery and equipment shall be kept in good working condition and installed and maintained so that the customers and employees of said store and the public generally will neither have access to the maintenance area nor to any unguarded moving parts of the machinery, except that the customers shall have access to the operating controls of the dry cleaning machines.
         The premises shall be kept in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. For self-service establishments a step by step instruction list shall be posted in a conspicuous place for customer use near the dry cleaning machines. All maintenance personnel shall be instructed as to the proper procedures for the handling of solvents.
         Each store shall be well lighted during all of the hours of operation.