The Development Services Department shall maintain a record of all commercial establishments and commercial licenses issued under this Chapter. These records shall be used for the purpose of classifying, inspecting, and licensing all commercial establishments in the Village. Subject to the terms and provisions of this Chapter, upon submittal of a business renewal application and payment in full of the required license fee to the Village, the Village shall issue a license, tag, or sticker, certificate, or similar evidence of license which shall be displayed by the owner of the commercial establishment in a conspicuous place of the license premises within ten (10) days after receipt of said license.
   No license for the operation of a commercial establishment in the Village shall be issued if one or more of the following conditions are determined to exist:
   1.   The building or premises of the commercial establishment does not comply with the provisions and terms of the Village's Building Code, Land Development Code, fire regulations, health regulations, or with other applicable ordinances and regulations of the Village.
   2.   The building or premises of the commercial establishment are in a condition of being unsanitary or unsafe so as to endanger the public safety, health or welfare.
   3.   The owner of the commercial establishment or such legal entity comprising the commercial establishment is indebted to the Village.
(Ord. 2120, 5-20-91; Amd. Ord. 5119, 9-6-16)