All compost piles shall be maintained using approved composting procedures in compliance with the following requirements:
   1.   All compost piles shall be enclosed in a freestanding compost bin. A compost bin shall be no larger than one hundred twenty five (125) cubic feet in volume, and shall be no taller than five feet (5') from ground level.
   2.   A compost bin shall provide adequate penetration of moisture for the compost materials and adequate ventilation for the process of decomposition.
   3.   All compost piles shall be so maintained as to prevent the attraction or harborage of rodents and other pests. The presence of rodents or other pests in or near a compost pile shall be cause for the Village to proceed against the owner/occupier of the premises.
   4.   Compost piles shall be maintained in such a manner so as to prevent the creation or propagation of unpleasant or noxious odors onto surrounding areas.
   5.   A compost pile may not be located in a yard except under the following conditions only:
      (1).   In a rear yard not less than three feet (3') from all lot lines; and/or
      (2).   In a side yard no closer to any lot line than the required setback distance prescribed for the zoning district in which the property is located.