To spread, or to cause or permit any agent or employee to spread any poison for the purpose of killing rats, mice, rodents, insects or other vermin, in any public way or public place; or to spread or to cause or permit any agent or employee to spread any poison for such purposes in any yard, court, passageway or other open place on private premises, or on the outside of any building or structure, or in any place within a building or structure which is open to the general public, or where pet dogs, cats or other domestic animals or fowls have access, without placing the same in a receptacle of such kind or character that it can be reached only by the kind of vermin which the poison is intended to kill, or without placing a wire or other guard about same in such way that no child or domestic animal, domestic fowl, or other harmless creature can reach the same.
(Ord. 881, 8-28-78)