6-2-2-1: ANIMALS:
   1.   Animal Carcasses: To cause or permit the carcass of any dead animal or vegetable matter, slops, swill, suds, garbage, filth, stable drippings or other offal or noisome substance of any kind to be collected, deposited or remain in any place, except in approved covered containers and then only long enough to be properly disposed of.
   2.   Unclean Animal Shelter: To keep, cause or suffer to be kept upon any premises any chicken coop, chicken house or pen; or to keep, cause or suffer to be kept upon any premises any stable, kennel, doghouse, dog-run or other structure or place for the retaining, care or shelter of any fowls or animals in an unclean, unsanitary or filthy condition.
   3.   Grazing of Animals: To allow or permit the grazing or riding of animals upon parkways, or on private property without the permission of the owner thereof, nor in such a manner as to interfere with anyone walking upon the public sidewalks, or that they may cause damage to ornamental plantings. (Ord. 881, 8-28-78)
   4.   Certain Animals and Fowl Prohibited: To own, keep or confine, cattle, swine, fowl or other livestock in the Village. Hens and horses shall be allowed if the animals are kept in conformance with the conditions of a permit or a special use permit granted pursuant to the provisions of the Village Code and Land Development Code. (Ord. 1327, 3-12-84; Amd. Ord. 5898, 5-20-24)
   5.   Permitting Offensive Animal Noises: To keep or permit to be kept upon any premises any dog or other animal or fowl emitting loud, frequent and continuous offensive noises.
   6   Ground Feeding: Ground feeding of animals and/or birds, including but not limited to cats, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, mice, rabbits, raccoons, opossum, skunk, deer, ducks, geese. To spread, cast, deposit or dump food, including birdseed, corn, bread pieces, food scraps, animal chow or any like or similar substance on any public or private property in the Village. Above- ground bird feeders shall be permitted as long as all feed is placed in a container or feeder designed for the specific purpose of feeding birds. (Ord. 4400, 8-4-08)