The purpose of an occupational category is for its membership to meet and discuss wage and benefit interests of its category. Also, each group should elect at least one and not more than three (3) of its full time members for participation on the Wage and Benefit Committee. Should an occupational category fail to designate a representative, the Village Manager may designate a full time employee member of an occupational category to be a representative to the Wage and Benefit Committee. The Village Manager's designation of a representative in the absence of an elected representative from an occupational group is to insure the presence of someone from each group so that there can be a flow of information regarding wages and benefits.
Prior to November 1 of each year, the Village Manager and his designees shall prepare a tentative schedule for meeting at least once with each occupational category; and after such meeting the representatives of the occupational categories (Wage and Benefit Committee) will from time to time, meet with the Village Manager and his designee(s) to discuss the status of wages and benefits.