1.   Registration Form Date:
      Prior to engaging in the business of renting any dwelling unit to the public or operating a rental dwelling or dwelling unit, every owner of a rental property, whether occupied or vacant, shall file with the Village a completed license application for the unit and Owner's registration form including the appropriate fee for each rental property and units.
      Initial Registration Time Frame: All residential rental property must be licensed and registered with the Village within six (6) months of the effective date of this Code or within thirty (30) days of notification by the Village. A residential rental license shall be issued for a period of one (1) calendar year and shall expire on December 31st next after issuance unless previously revoked.
   2.   Application Form Renewal:
      Application for license registration renewal must be filed at least thirty (30) days prior to the registration expiration date. A failure to renew an existing rental housing building(s) license and registration will result in an additional charge as specified Section 5-8-3-4 item #1 of this Code.
   3.   New Owner Registration:
      Any person becoming an owner of an existing registered rental unit shall file a complete license application and registration form within thirty (30) days of the property transfer; however, the new owner will not have to pay the license and registration fee until the next annual license and registration if the previous owner had registered the property and paid the appropriate fees but must attend a "Crime Free Housing" training seminar within three (3) months of property ownership.
   4.   Notification of Sale:
      Registration/License is non-transferrable to another person or to another rental dwelling unit. Every person holding a registration/license must give notice in writing to the of the Village of Orland Park within five business days after having legally transferred or otherwise disposed of the ownership or legal control of any registered/licensed rental dwelling. Such notice must include the name, address and contact information of the person succeeding to the ownership or control of such rental dwelling or dwellings.
   5.   New Rental Unit Registration:
      Any rental unit must be registered within thirty (30) days of construction, conversion from owner-occupancy, or change from any other non-rental status.
   6.   Residential Rental License Application Required Information:
      The Residential Rental License Application form shall contain the following information:
         a.   A description of the premises by street name and number and Property Tax Identification number.
         b.   The name and address of the property owner. If the owner is a corporation, the name and address of the "owner's agent" thereof shall also be provided. If the property is held in a land trust, the names and addresses of all beneficiaries must be disclosed. The agent shall be authorized by the owner in writing to accept service of any Village notices on behalf of the owner, including appointment letters, notices of code violations, court process or any other communication or correspondence in connection with the administration and enforcement of this and other Village Codes and ordinances.
         c.   The name, address and twenty-four (24) hour contact information of the owner's agent.
            1.   When a rental unit is owned by more than one individual, or is owned by an entity that is not a natural person, an owner's agent must be designated.
            2.   The Village shall be notified in writing within ten (10) days of any change of the owner's agent.
            3.   An owner with a designated "owner's agent" who is found not to be customarily available or able to perform the duties as defined shall designate a different individual who is able to properly fulfill the requirements within ten (10) days of being notified of the deficiency.
            4.   The signature of the owner or the owner's agent.
            5.   For the purposes of an emergency response to a residential rental property the owner or owner's designated agent must be located within thirty (30) miles of the Village corporate limits for building and tenant emergencies. This person must be listed on the license application and registration form and readily accessible to the Unit Tenant, Village, Police and/or Orland Fire Protection District.
   7.   Refusal or Revocation of License and Registration:
      Rental units found to be out of compliance after an Administrative Adjudication hearing or by an appropriate court order with this or other applicable codes or ordinances shall lose rental status, shall have the license and registration refused or revoked, and shall not be occupied until brought back into compliance. Tenant removal shall be the responsibility of the building owner.