Except as provided in this Section, no person shall drill, or make use of a water well for any purpose on any lot or tract of real estate within the Village containing an area of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet and no permit for such water well shall issue hereafter.
   Water wells may be drilled and used on any tract of land exceeding fifteen thousand (15,000) feet within the Village exclusively for the limited purposes of outdoor agricultural and horticultural irrigation, subject to the following conditions:
   1.   The Municipal water system on the premises shall be protected by proper backflow and water expansion devices as specified by applicable State, County and Federal law.
   2.   Water conservation devices shall be installed within the private plumbing system conveying Municipal potable water in conformity with requirements of the Illinois Department of National Resources (IDNR).
   3.   No piping connections whatsoever may exist between the Municipal water supply and the well water supply.
   4.   All persons operating a private well or applying for permits to install and operate a private well shall comply fully with the rules and regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) regarding private wells; as well as with all other State, local and Federal laws governing same.
   5.   All persons operating an existing private well on a lot or tract of real estate exceeding fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in area shall, within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this Ordinance, notify the Village of the existence and operation of such well, or of the intent to operate such existing well. Such notice is to be given in addition to application for required permits, and no permits shall issue unless such notice is given in the manner specified herein. The Village may, at any time and upon reasonable notice thereof, inspect the said well, to confirm that no cross-connections exist or will exist between the well and the Municipal water system.
   6.   All persons intending to install a new private well on a lot or tract of real estate in excess of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet shall, thirty (30) days prior to commencing installation thereof, notify the Village that such a well is to be installed. The Village may, at any time and upon reasonable notice, inspect the site of the proposed well while installation is in progress, and after completion thereof, to confirm that no cross-connections exist or will exist between the well and the Municipal water system. Such notice is to be given in addition to application for a permit to install the well, and no permit shall issue unless such notice is given in the manner specified herein. Such notice shall be in writing and delivered to the Village Department of Code Enforcement in person or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.
   7.   Backflow protection devices shall be inspected and tested in compliance with Village Ordinance 1519.
   8.   Private wells shall only be used for irrigation purposes at the times and dates as allowed above. Maintaining a consistent time period for lawn and garden irrigation will make water conservation consistent and effectively enforced.
   9.   All persons intending to install a new private well or operate a new or existing well shall comply with all other regulations as proposed by the Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals, IEPA and IDNR as well as the requirements stated by this Ordinance and other Village ordinances herein referenced.
   Except as provided in this Section, all existing water wells serving uses on any lot or tract of real estate containing less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet shall be discontinued and the use thereof shall cease, and the said water well shall be abandoned in accordance with the standards established pursuant to applicable laws of the State. (Ord. 2123, 5-20-91)