Owners of premises abutting on the sewer mains or laterals of the Village shall make application and the sewer connections and house connections shall be installed as hereinbefore set forth. Applicants who are owners of premises not abutting on the sewer mains or laterals of the Village who desire sewer service from the Village shall install at their expense sewer main or lateral extensions so as to provide sewer facilities for their premises.
   No person shall make any extension to a sanitary sewer main or lateral of the Village except as provided in this Section.
   All extensions to the sewer mains or laterals of the Village shall be made only after written application filed with the President and Board of Trustees, approval as to size, grade and materials by the Engineering Department of the Village, and issuance by the Village of a permit authorizing the same to be constructed and attached to the existing sewer mains or laterals of the Village and thereupon said extensions shall become part thereof. There shall be no permit fee for the construction of an extension to the Village sewer main or laterals.
   After completion and acceptance of a sewer main or lateral extension, title to it shall be transferred and conveyed to the Village by the owner free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances, without cost to the Village, and thereafter the Village shall assume all costs of operation and maintenance of such extension.
   Applicants making sewer connections and/or house connections to sewer main or lateral extensions under the provisions of this Section shall pay all costs of labor and materials for installing the same.
   Such application for a sewer connection and/or house connection originating from an extension shall impose liability for a periodic sewer charge to be initially billed the owner not later than ninety (90) days after service is available to the owner's premises whether or not said owner makes physical connection to said sanitary sewer system.