Any person who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of an approved plan or directive of the code official, or a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties and fines as described in the Village Code, Title 1, Chapter 4 or penalties as identified by more specific ordinances.
Work Begun Without a Proper Permit: When work has begun or is completed without a proper permit having been obtained, the fee for required inspections and plan reviews shall be as set forth in the Village Code, Title 5, Chapter 2, Section 14 ("WORK BEGUN WITHOUT A PERMIT").
Unlawful Continuance and Stop Work Order: Any person who shall continue any work in or about the structure after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe conditions, shall be liable and subject to the maximum penalty as described in the Village Code, Title 1, Chapter 4, in addition to penalties specified in other code sections or as specified by other adopted ordinances.
Work Continued Beyond a Foundation Permit: When a permit has been issued for the foundation portion of a building only and construction has proceeded above the foundation (or ground level of the building) prior to the full building permit being issued, a penalty shall be charged for each day work has continued before the permit has been approved and issued by the building official as listed below:
1st offense: "Stop Work" order and a fee of $500.00 with the allowance to remove any hazardous work conditions for that workday.
Additional offenses: "Stop Work" order and a fee of $1,000.00 with the allowance to remove any hazardous work conditions for that workday.
Building or Tenant Spaces Occupied Without Approval: As referenced in Title 5, Chapter 1, Section 4 of this code (5-1-4) any building owner or tenant who violates and/or occupies a building, structure or a part thereof prior to an approval by the building official shall pay a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day of non conforming occupancy without an approval by the building official shall constitute a separate violation. (See VC 1-4 and 5-2-14 referencing other fines and penalties.)
Severability: In the event that any court of competent jurisdiction may declare that any provision or part of a provision of this Ordinance is void or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions and parts of provisions not ruled void or unconstitutional shall continue in full force and effect.
Construction Not Completed: Inspection requests submitted to the Village prior to stages of work being completed by the owner, agent, builder, or contractor are subject to re inspection fees (5-2-7-5). Construction field management is not performed by Village Staff.
Execution: The provisions of this ordinance shall at all times be the duty of the building's owner, agent and/or contractors to regularly request inspections of the construction activities for code conformance and to see the same are being conducted and operated in accordance with the requirements of all Village laws and ordinances applicable thereto.
Penalty: Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. The imposition of any sentence shall not exempt the offender from compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance.
(Entire Chapter redone - Ord. 3723, 1-20-03; Amd. Ord. 4223, 2-19-07; Amd. Ord. 4342, 3-3-08; Amd. Ord. 4614, 1-17-11; Amd. Ord. 4786, 2-4-13; Amd. Ord. 4820, 6-3-13; Amd. Ord. 4978, 4-6-15; Amd. Ord. 4987, 5-4-15; Amd. Ord. 5032, 11-2-15; Amd. Ord. 5105, 6-20-16; Amd. Ord. 5224, 10-4-17; Amd. Ord. 5418, 7-1-19; Amd. Ord. 5928, 8-19-24)