No connection shall be made to the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the Village within the corporate limits without a permit having been issued by the Director of the Building Department. For areas outside the corporate limits, an agreement or contract is required before connection is permitted. A written application for connection to the water facilities of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the Village shall be made to the Director of the Building Department. The application shall state the name of the applicant, the permit desired, the location of the real estate including the dimensions thereof and the location of the connection. Such application shall be accompanied by engineering plans indicating the construction to be used.
   All water connections to the Village water facilities shall be made or caused to be made by authorized personnel in the employment of the Village or by a plumber approved by the Village. Each such connection service shall consist of the supply and insertion of a corporation cock only on the open main at the service location designated by approved engineering plans. All water connections to the Village water system not made by authorized personnel in the employment of the Village, shall be made by a licensed plumber acting under the approval and direction of the Director of the Building Department. No plumber shall make or cause any such water connection to be made unless he shall have first met all the requirements for the lawful conduct of such trade in the Village.
   Service pipes shall serve one building only. All service pipes shall be laid at least five feet (5') below the final surface grade level. The water service shall be constructed of copper pipe for sizes two inches (2") and smaller and of ductile iron for sizes in excess of two inches (2").
   Each residential water service customer shall have a separate metered water service as an end unit user. The service shall be tapped into the water main and extend into the unit without passing through another user unit. Common area water service outlets such as yard areas shall be metered independently.
   An exception may be allowed only for certain multi-floor buildings by written approval from the Village Director of the Building Department based upon good plumbing standards and practices. If an exception is made, the building will be supplied by one adequately sized service into a meter room. Inside the meter room, the service shall be manifolded to accept a meter for each unit served. The manifold shall be constructed similarly to single meter settings with valving and padlock locking devices as approved by the Village Plumbing Inspector.
   The meter room shall be accessible from a public area and constructed solely for water meter housing. A separate conduit shall be installed by the electrical contractor from each meter to a common point area on the building exterior. Location and placement of the wiring shall be determined by the Village Plumbing Inspector.
   Each commercial or industrial water service customer shall have the option of determining a single service connection or multiple service connection for each building. Each service connection shall be tapped into the water main and extended into the building it serves. Each building service connection shall have its own meter setting. The service size, construction, location and connection charge shall be approved by the Director of the Building Department. When the domestic water usage of a building is determined by the Director of the Building Department to exceed the maximum flow of a one-inch water service and one-inch water meter, each service connection shall be tapped into the water main and extended into the building it serves with a minimum of a two-inch water service and water meter. (Ord. 3341, 3-6-00)
   The Director of the Building Department shall calculate the appropriate water service size for proper water flow to each building. Where a commercial or industrial customer prefers to use individual water services and the total connection fee amount for the building exceeds the cost of a larger combined single service connection for that building, as calculated by the Director of the Building Department, the lesser of the two fees shall apply.
   A single service meter serving two or more units of a building shall be accessible from a public area readily open to the Village of Orland Park personnel.
   The public water supply shall be protected by backflow prevention device as required by this Code for all connections.
   A connection shall be considered to be made when, pursuant to a permit, the meter is installed and water is available to the end unit user. All connection charges shall be paid to the Director of the Building Department.
(Ord. 2032, 8-20-90)