The Ethics Officer shall have the following powers and duties:
   1.   Upon receipt of a signed, written complaint, to initiate a preliminary inquiry to determine whether the facts set forth in the complaint support further action by the Ethics Commission of the Village of Orland Park, or are unfounded;
   2.   If the Ethics Officer does not find probable cause to believe that a violation of this Chapter or State ethics law has occurred, the Ethics Officer may terminate the inquiry. The Ethics Officer or his or her designee will so notify the subject of the inquiry in writing, and will also notify the complainant in writing. The Ethics Officer may determine if the complainant filed a false report or complaint.
   3.   To determine if a complaint has probable cause, to proceed, and refer the alleged violation of this Chapter to the Ethics Commission of the Village of Orland Park for appropriate action.
   4.   The Ethics Officer shall act only upon the receipt of a written complaint alleging a violation of this Chapter or State law and not upon her/her own prerogative.
(Ord. 5508, 5-4-20)