Ready-mixed concrete that complies with ASTM C94 shall be used for sidewalks, driveways, and driveway aprons. The concrete shall be supplied by a ready-mixed source which is inspected yearly by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Concrete mix shall be designed using the following data:
1. Minimum compressive strength of four thousand (4000) psi at twenty-eight (28) days.
2 Minimum of six (6) sacks of cement per cubic yard.
3 Maximum size aggregate of one (1) inch.
4 Air entrainment of six (6) percent +1%.
5 Maximum slump of four (4) inches.
6 Maximum water content including moisture in the aggregate of six (6) gallons per sack of cement.
7 All concrete shall contain a water-reducing admixture with no reduction in cement content permitted.