All sidewalk driveway and driveway apron materials shall comply with the following standards of quality:
Portland Cement:         ASTM C150 Type I, Norman
               ASTM C150 Type II, High-Early-Strength
Fine Aggregate:         ASTM C33, clean sand graded between #100 and #4 sieve limits.
Coarse Aggregate:         ASTM C33, uncoated crushed stone or washed gravel. Slag shall not be permitted.
Water:            Potable and fit to drink.
Water-Reducing Admixture:   ASTM C494 Type (normal) or Type D (retarder).
Air Entraining Agent:      ASTM C260
Premolded Filler Strips:      ASTM D994
Curring Compound:         ASTM C309, Type 2 (white, pigmented)
Reinforcement:         ASTM A615, Grade 40.