A.   It shall be unlawful for any student who is under suspension, expulsion, exemption or other discipline excluding the student from attending school, or for any person, not a student, not a school employee or not a parent or guardian of a student or not an otherwise "authorized person" to be present within any school building without first having secured authorization to be present within a school building from the principal or person in charge of the school, except while in direct route to secure such authorization. Authorized persons shall include any person who is present within any school building for any purpose previously authorized by the principal or person in charge of a school.
   B.   It shall be unlawful for any person, including without limitation student(s) and/or school employee(s) to knowingly allow, facilitate, aid or abet unauthorized persons to enter a school building without first receiving authorization from the principal or person in charge of said school.
   C.   The term "student," as used herein, is hereby defined as any person of school age and enrolled in the school at which he or she then is present.
   D.   Penalty. Any person who violates the provisions of this section, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for this and subsequent or continuing violations. (Ord. 5331, 9-17-18)