(A) No licenses may be issued where the license applicant is a person who has facilitated, enabled, or participated in the use of coin-operated devices for gambling purposes or who is under the significant influence or control of such a person who is ineligible for a video gaming terminal license under this Chapter.
(B) Each person seeking a video gaming terminal license for an establishment shall submit to a background investigation conducted by the Village with the assistance of the Village Police or other law enforcement. To the extent that the corporate structure of the applicant allows, the background investigation shall include any or all of the following as the Board deems appropriate or as provided by rule for each category of licensure: (i) each beneficiary of a trust, (ii) each partner of a partnership, (iii) each member of a limited liability company, (iv) each director and officer of a publicly or non-publicly held corporation, (v) each stockholder of a non-publicly held corporation, (vi) each stockholder of 5% or more of a publicly held corporation, or (vii) each stockholder of 5% or more in a parent or subsidiary corporation.
(C) Each person seeking video gaming terminal license for an establishment shall disclose the identity of every person, association, trust, corporation, or limited liability company having a greater than 1% direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the video gaming terminal operation for which the license is sought. If the disclosed entity is a trust, the application shall disclose the names and addresses of the beneficiaries; if a corporation, the names and addresses of all stockholders and directors; if a limited liability company, the names and addresses of all members; or if a partnership, the names and addresses of all partners, both general and limited.
(D) No person may be licensed under this Chapter if the applicant has been found by the Village to: (1) have a background, including a criminal record, reputation, habits, social or business associations, or prior activities that pose a threat to the public interests of the State or to the security and integrity of video gaming; (2) create or enhance the dangers of unsuitable, unfair, or illegal practices, methods, and activities in the conduct of video gaming; or (3) present questionable business practices and financial arrangements incidental to the conduct of video gaming activities.
(E) Any applicant has the burden of proving his or her qualifications to the satisfaction of the Village.
(F) License issuance shall be approved by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, subject to the availability of licenses pursuant to Section 7-18-5 and other restrictions as provided by this Chapter.
Those completed, filed and pending applications for video gaming terminal licenses as of the date this Chapter was amended pursuant to Village Ordinance Number 5431 shall remain pending until approved for issuance of a license or rejected for reasons as provided in this Chapter, and no further applications shall be accepted for filing by the Village for a period of ninety (90) days following adoption of Ordinance Number 5431. Following expiration said ninety (90) day period, applications for licenses shall be accepted and shall be considered and processed in the order they are filed with the Village. (Ord. 5431, 9-3-19)