3-1-6: BEHAVIOR:
   No person in a park shall:
   1.   Gamble or participate in any game of chance for money or other valuable thing;
   2.   Solicit alms or otherwise beg;
   3.   Use any abusive, threatening, profane, indecent or obscene language, or use language calculated to occasion a breach of the peace, or commit, perform or induce another to perform any indecent or obscene act or behavior, or exhibit, possess or transfer any indecent or obscene pictures, writings or articles of any kind;
   4.   Permit the running of dogs at large. All dogs shall be restrained at all times on adequate leashes not greater than five feet (5') in length. Any person responsible for the entry of a dog or other domestic animal shall immediately remove any animal droppings left by his animal to the nearest refuse container. (Ord. 3423, 9-18-00)
   5.   Fly, cause to be flown, or permit any aircraft of any kind to be flown over the park system at any time at an elevation less than the minimum safety requirements established by the Civil Aeronautics Administration or other governmental authority or less than is reasonable and proper, or so as to endanger the safety of any person or property or land, cause to be landed, or permit any aircraft to land, except when required by unavoidable emergency, or pursuant to the direction of the Village President or other authorized person acting pursuant to law or ordinance relating to emergency services and disaster operations or civil emergencies or pursuant to the direction of the Chief of Police or his designee;
   6.   Bring, or have in his possession, or set off or otherwise cause to explode or discharge or burn, any fireworks or explosives of inflammable material, or discharge them or throw them into any such area from land or highway adjacent thereto. This prohibition includes any substance, compound, mixture, or article that in conjunction with any other substance or compound would be dangerous from any of the foregoing standpoints. Exception is made for firework displays sanctioned by the Board of Trustees;
   7.   Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas as may be designated for fires. No person shall drop, throw or otherwise scatter lighted matches, burning cigarettes or cigars, tobacco paper or other inflammable material, within any park area or on any highway, road or street abutting or contiguous thereto. The person building a fire shall care and supervise its burning, and shall completely extinguish the fire prior to leaving that location;
   8.   Fly, cause to be flown, or permit any model power aircraft of any kind to be flown without a permit and then only at such places and times as may from time to time be designated for the purpose;
   9.   Enter any area where persons are prohibited as indicated by sign or notice, or enter or attempt to enter any building or park area which is closed to the public, or scheduled for a specific activity unless the person is invited to attend the activity by a Department employee or a supervisor of the activity;
   10.   Call or hold any meeting, exhibition or entertainment involving fifty (50) or more people except pursuant to a written permit hereunder.