The following order of business shall be followed in all regular meetings of the Board of Trustees unless suspended by a majority of the Trustees present.
At the hour selected for the meeting, the Village Clerk, or someone appointed to fill his place, shall proceed to call the roll of the Board of Trustees, mark the absentees and announce whether a quorum is present. If a quorum is present, the meeting shall be called to order, the Village President taking the chair if present, and the Village President pro tempore taking the chair if the Village President should be absent and the Trustees appointing a temporary chairman, if both the Village President and Village President pro tempore are absent. If a quorum does not appear, the Board of Trustees shall not thereby stand adjourned unless by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees present. When a quorum is present, the Board of Trustees shall then proceed to the business before it, which shall be conducted in the following order:
   1.   Call to Order/Roll Call.
   2.   Pledge of Allegiance.
   3.   Village Clerk's Office.
   4.   Proclamations/Appointments/Presentations.
   5.   Pre-Scheduled Citizens and Visitors.
   6.   Non-scheduled Citizens and Visitors for Agenda-Specific Public Comment.
   7.   Accounts Payable.
   8.   Consent Agenda.
   9.   Public Hearings.
   10.   Public Safety
   11.   Technology.
   12.   Public Works.
   13.   Development Services.
   14.   Engineering.
   15.   Recreation and Parks.
   16.   Finance.
   17.   Mayor.
   18.   Officials.
   19.   Village Manager.
   20.   Non-scheduled citizens & visitors for public comment on items relevant to Village business.
   21.   Board comments.
   22.   Executive Session.
   23.   Reconvene Board Meeting.
   24.   Adjournment.
(Ord. 2819, 1-2-96; Amd. Ord. 5875, 3-4-24)