For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL RUN. A completely enclosed fence for the exercising or containment of an animal.
BARRIER. Any obstacles or obstruction, natural or otherwise, erected to bar passage.
BARRIER AREA. That area derived by multiplying the length times the height measured at the topmost member
BARRIER HEIGHT. The height of the barrier shall be measured to the topmost member including any ornamental member located on the top of the fence.
CORNER BARRIER. Any open barrier extending in one or two directions parallel to said property lines, driveways, or sidewalks, not exceeding five feet in either direction.
CORNER SIDE LOT LINE. On corner lots, one side of the lot shall be defined as being a front lot line, the other lot line, adjacent to a street, shall be the comer side lot line.
FENCE. A structure or growth not otherwise a part of any building or structure, which encloses or partially encloses any parcel of land.
FRONTAGE. That portion of a lot between the front building set-back line and the street right-of-way.
Every lot shall have only one front line and shall be the narrowest side of the lot line which adjoins a street. Where such lot lines are not obviously evident, the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission shall determine the front lot line.
OPEN BARRIER. A barrier in which the openings between the materials of which the barriers is constructed represents more than 70% of the total barrier area.
PRIVACY FENCE. A barrier of at least five feet but not more than six feet in height, which is constructed of an acceptable, non-transparent material, as determined by the Building Commissioner, which is created and maintained for the purpose of substantially obscuring the premises from ordinary view of persons passing by.
(Ord. 77-22, passed 10-12-77; Am. Ord. 82-07, passed - -82; Am. Ord. 96-17, passed 3-20-96)