An erosion and sediment control plan shall include the following:
(A) Proposed sequencing schedule, including dates, for:
(1) Stripping;
(2) Installation of temporary on-site control measures and perimeter controls;
(3) Clearing and grading;
(4) Construction;
(5) Installation of storm drainage and paving; and
(6) Final grading, removal of temporary measures and landscaping.
(B) Location, standard details and design specifics of sediment basins and traps. The design specifics should include outlet details and the drainage area to each measure.
(C) Location and description of all control measures, including seeding mixtures and rates, types of sod, method of seedbed preparation, expected seeding dates, kind and quantity of mulching for both temporary and permanent vegetative control measures and types of non-vegetative stabilization measures.
(D) Description of dust and traffic control measures and location and specifications for construction entrances.
(E) Locations of stockpiles and description of stabilization measures.
(F) Volumes, locations and methods of stabilization for off-site fill or borrow.
(G) Provisions for maintenance of control measures, including a maintenance schedule.
(H) Description of permanent stabilization measures.
(I) Identification (name, address and telephone) of the person(s) or entity responsible for maintenance during and after construction.
(Ord. 2004-008, passed 6-16-04)