(A) Floating mat foundations.
(1) A floating mat type foundation shall be defined as a slab with or without a foundation wall that does not rest on adequate bearing soil, but by its design will remain somewhat permanent with or without periodic adjustments.
(2) In no instance will floating mat type foundations be permitted for use on any type of primary structure, or for any structure having gas, water or sewer lines serving it. Use of a floating mat slab is subject to the review and approval of the Building Commissioner, and is intended to be used only when no other design method is feasible.
(B) Capped foundations.
(1) CAPPED FOUNDATIONS shall be defined as construction where a concrete slab, in a separate pour, is placed on top of foundation walls.
(2) In no instance will capped foundations be permitted for use on any type of primary residential structure.
(C) Monolithic slabs and foundations.
(1) MONOLITHIC SLABS and FOUNDATIONS shall be defined as a single poured foundation wall and slab or as a slab with a grade beam.
(2) Monolithic slabs and foundations shall only be permitted, for residential use, when use on a detached accessory structure.
(D) Isolation slabs.
(1) ISOLATION SLABS shall be defined as a concrete slab or floor surrounded by a foundation wall.
(2) Isolation slabs will be permitted, for use in the construction of a primary residential structure or additions, at any elevation in comparison to the exterior grade elevation.
(3) The
AVERAGE EXTERIOR GRADE ELEVATION shall be defined as the elevation of the final grade measured, at a point one foot perpendicular to the outside foundation wall and then the average elevation of that measurement surrounding the slab, on the exterior of the building.
(4) Attached garages, at any elevation, may also be constructed using an isolation slab.
(E) Restrictions. Wherever slabs or slab type construction or floors are permitted the following restrictions will apply:
(1) No warm air heating ducts, return air ducts or cooling ducts may be permitted below or in the slab.
(2) When the area adjacent to the slab is a heated space, the entire slab or foundation wall above grade and two feet below grade will be insulated. All insulation must have a minimum insulation "R" value of 5.0. All materials used shall be designed for use as foundation insulation. Interior to exterior insulation installations, shall overlap a minimum of 12 inches.
(3) Isolation slabs must be constructed using a minimum ¼-inch expansion joint around the entire perimeter of the slab and adjacent to all columns, walls, or other similar units penetrating the slab.
(4) All slabs used as a base of a floor or as a finished floor, in a habitable space or used in a primary structure, other than an attached garage space will have:
(a) A minimum thickness of four inches;
(b) Been installed over a granular base having a uniform and minimum depth of four inches;
(c) A membrane waterproofing directly under the slab, equal to or better than a four-mil polyethylene film, and having a maximum permeance of 0.20 perms. Where joints exists each joint shall be lapped a minimum of four inches.
(5) Where interior bearing walls or partitions rest on the slab. the construction of the slab will required that the slab be thickened to a minimum ten-inch depth, 20-inches wide. Continuous reinforcement bars ( minimum #4 bars ) shall be used, in construction with acceptable engineering standards.
(6) All slabs will require that a minimum 10 ga., welded wire mesh, or an equal be used in the construction.
(7) No floor slab shall be placed in water or on a soft wet subgrade. Subgrades below the exterior grade elevation must be pumped dry at last 24 hours before pouring concrete.
(8) All subgrades must be level, thoroughly compacted and free of all vegetation.
(Ord. 89-23, passed 7-26-89)
(A) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AREA. That area lying between the project right-of-way limits and the platted street limits within which the village, by concurrence in the establishment of the project right-of-way lines, will permit the state to enter to perform all necessary construction operations.
(2) ENCROACHMENT. Any building, fence, sign, or any other structure or object of any kind (with the exception of utilities and public road signs), which is placed, located, or maintained in, on, under, or over any portion of the project right-of-way or the roadway right-of-way where no project right-of-way line has been established.
(3) PERMISSIBLE ENCROACHMENT. Any existing awning, marquee, advertising sign, or similar overhanging structure supported from a building immediately adjacent to the limits of the platted street where there is a sidewalk extending to the building line and which does not impair the free and safe flow of traffic on the highway; the permissive retention of overhanging signs is not to be construed as being applicable to those signs supported from poles constructed outside the project right-of-way line and not confined by adjacent buildings.
(4) PROJECT RIGHT-OF-WAY. Those areas within the project right-of-way lines established by the village, state, and the United States Bureau of Public Roads which will be free of encroachments except as hereinafter defined.
(5) ROADWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY. Those areas existing or acquired by dedication or by fee simple for highway purposes; also, the areas acquired by temporary easement during the time the easement is in effect.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect or cause to be erected, to retain or cause to be retained, any encroachment, except as provided in division (D) of this section, within the limits of the project right-of-way or roadway right-of-way where no project right-of-way lines have been established.
(C) Project right-of-way lines have been established at the following locations:
(D) Revocable permits have been issued by the for the temporary retention of the following permissible encroachments:
(Ord. 70-9, passed - -70) Penalty, see § 150.999