(A) No person under the age of 21 years, may purchase, receive, accept, have in his possession or control, or consume any alcoholic beverages.
(B) It is unlawful for any person to knowingly suffer, permit or allow the violation of the provisions of this section in any motor vehicle, conveyance, vessel, house, apartment, room, shed, yard, premises, or other area of which such person is the owner, lessee, permittee, bailee, legal processor, or occupier thereof.
(C) Nothing contained herein shall be applicable to persons under the age of 21 years:
(1) Participating in a religious ceremony; or
(2) Acting at the direction of a law enforcement officer.
(D) It shall be unlawful for any parent or guardian to permit any person under the age of 18 years of which he or she is the parent or guardian to violate any provisions of this section.
(E) No person after purchasing or otherwise obtaining alcoholic liquor shall sell, give, or deliver such alcoholic liquor to another person under the age of 21 years, except in the performance of a religious ceremony or service, or acting at the direction of a law enforcement officer.
(Ord. 95-08, passed 4-19-95) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) Presumption of knowledge. Whenever a person is present within any motor vehicle, conveyance, vessel, house, apartment, room, shed, yard, premises, or other area of which such person is the owner, lessee, permittee, bailee, legal processor, or occupier thereof at the time that a violation of the provisions of this section occurs therein, it shall be prima facie evidence that such person had knowledge of such violation.
(B) Unlawful assembly by minors. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age or 21 years to remain in any motor vehicle, conveyance, vessel, house, apartment, room, hotel rooms, shed, yard, premises, or other area when said person knows, or reasonably should know, that on one or more other persons under the age of 21 years located in such motor vehicle, conveyance, vessel, house, apartment, room, hotel rooms, shed, yard, premises, or other areas are:
(1) In possession of any cannabis or controlled substance prohibited by state law; or
(2) In possession of any alcoholic beverages, except that a person under the age of 21 years may be in the possession of or consume alcoholic beverages in the performance of a bona fide religious service or ceremony.
(C) Responsibility of owner or occupant of any premises for unlawful assembly by minors. It shall be unlawful for any person who has ownership or control of any premises to knowingly suffer, permit, or allow two or more persons under the age of 21 years to assemble or be assembled on such premises:
(1) In possession of any cannabis or controlled substance prohibited by state statute; or
(2) In possession of any alcoholic beverages, except that a person under the age of 21 years may be in possession of or consume alcoholic beverages in the performance of a bona fide religious service or ceremony.
(Ord. 95-08, passed 4-19-95) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) It is declared unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to be in possession of any of the following items:
(1) Bowie, switchblade, ballistic knives, throwing stars, or other edged weapons as defined in ILCS Ch. 720, Act 5 § 24-1(1);
(2) Metallic knuckles or numchucks;
(3) Slingshots;
(4) Arrows designed for firing from a bow or crossbow device, except when such person is engaged in lawful hunting, supervised target shooting, or otherwise legal transportation of such device;
(5) Stun gun or taser;
(6) Any device or attachment of any kind designed, used, or intended for use in silencing the report of a firearm;
(7) Machine gun as defined in ILCS Ch. 720, Act 5 § 24-1;
(8) Any bomb, bomb-shell, grenade, bottle, or container containing an explosive of over one- quarter ounce for like purposes, such as, but not limited to, black powder bombs, molotov cocktails, pipebombs, or artillery projectiles;
(9) Firearms, or the ammunition therefore, as defined by ILCS Ch. 430, Act 65 § 1.1, except when such person is engaged in lawful hunting, supervised target shooting, or the otherwise legal transportation of such device; or
(10) Fireworks, as defined in ILCS Ch. 425, Act 30 § 2.
(B) Parental responsibility. It is unlawful for any parent or legal guardian to permit any person under the age of 18 years to be in, or come to, the unsupervised possession of any items listed in division (A) of this section.
(Ord. 95-08, passed 4-19-95) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) It is the policy of the village that a parent or legal guardian of a minor be notified and required to appear in court whenever that minor is charged with a violation of an ordinance or state statute which requires the minor's appearance in court. To this end, it is hereby directed that a notice in substantially the following form be sent to the parents or legal guardians of the minor:
TO: (Parents' Names)
FROM: Village of Orland Hills
You are hereby notified that (minor's name) has been charged with an offense which is a violation of a Village ordinance or State statute and which requires the appearance of said minor in Court. You are further notified that one of the parents of said minor must appear in Court before the case will be tried or be disposed.
If you fail to appear, the Village Prosecutor has been directed to have issued a subpoena to bring you into Court. Failure to obey a subpoena can result in contempt of Court, with a fine or imprisonment as the penalty.
(B) The Village Prosecutor is hereby directed to have subpoenas issued whenever a parent or legal guardian of a minor does not appear in court after the first two times said case has been before the court.
(Ord. 76-25, passed 10-20-76; Am. Ord. 95-08, passed 4-19-95)
Any person, firm, corporation or other entity convicted of violating any provision of this chapter shall be fined not less than $100 and not more than $750 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day that a violation occurs or continues.
(Ord. 76-25, passed 10-20-76; Am. Ord. 80-07, passed - -80; Am. Ord. 95-08, passed 4- 19-95; Am. Ord. 2015-003, passed 3-18-15)