The following rules of order and conduct of village business for the President and Board of Trustees of the Village are hereby adopted;
   (A)   Rule 1. The President shall, if present, take the chair at the hour appointed for the meeting of the Board. If he is not present, the Board of Trustees shall elect a temporary chairperson from among themselves who shall act in the President's stead. The meeting being called to order, the roll of members shall be called, and if a quorum is present the presiding officer shall cause the journal of the last preceding meeting or meetings to be read unless such reading is dispensed with by vote of the Board.
   (B)   Rule 2. The President shall preserve order and decorum. The President may speak to points of order in preference to any member and shall decide points of order subject to an appeal of the Board of Trustees by any two members, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once unless by leave of the Board.
   (C)   Rule 3. Every question shall be distinctly stated by the President before it is open for debate. Every motion shall be reduced to writing if the President or any member shall so demand.
   (D)   Rule 4. The President may call on any Trustee to perform the duties of Chairperson; no such substitution, however, shall extend beyond the adjournment of the particular meeting.
   (E)   Rule 5. Every member previous to speaking to any questions shall audibly address the presiding officer as "Mr. President" or "Mr. Mayor". Such member shall not, however, speak further until he is recognized and named.
   (F)   Rule 6. (Reserved)
   (G)   Rule 7. The passage of all ordinances for whatever purpose and of any resolution or motion to create any liability against the village or for the expenditures or appropriation of its money, shall require the concurrence of a majority of all members elected to the Village Board, including the President. The yeas and nays shall be taken upon the question of the passage of the designated ordinances, resolutions, or motions and recorded in the journal of the Village Board. Likewise, the yeas and nays shall be taken upon the passage of any other resolution or motion at the request of any Trustee, and shall be recorded in the journal.
   (H)   Rule 8. Every member present when a vote is taken shall vote unless excused by the Board of Trustees, or unless he shall be directly interested in the matter pending, in which case such member shall not vote. Any member refusing to vote or passing his vote, shall be counted as voting with the majority.
(Ord. 75-15, passed 7-30-75)
   (I)   Rule 9.
      (1)   The following standing committees are hereby established for the Board of Trustees:
         (a)   Finance
         (b)   Police and Fire
         (c)   Public Works
         (d)   Developmental Planning and Zoning
         (e)   Youth, Education and Recreation
         (f)   Economic Development/ Environmental
      (2)   Committees will be assigned and chosen from among the Board members themselves by a majority vote. The President shall break all ties amongst the Board members pertaining to appointment to committees and the Chairperson of each committee.
      (3)   The Economic Development/ Environmental standing committee shall address issues relating to the development of the Village's economic base, such as long range planning, comprehensive planning, business, development, business relations and environmental concerns. This committee shall, at least quarterly, meet with members of the Village's business community to address their concerns in fostering support for current establishments as well as preparing for future development. This committee shall promulgate the development and regular updating of a Village Comprehensive Plan. (Am. Ord. 93-30, passed 5-14-93; Am. Ord. 99-12, passed 5-26-99)
   (J)   Rule 10.
      (1)   The President shall be an ex officio member of each committee; said ex officio member may participate at all committee meetings but not vote on said committees.
      (2)   The Board shall elect not less than two of its members to serve on each committee. The exact number of Trustees on each committee shall be determined by the Board from time to time by motion.
      (3)   No committee meeting shall occur unless a quorum of the members assigned to the committee are present for the meeting. The President shall not constitute a member of a committee for the purpose of establishing a quorum.
(Ord. 75-15, passed 7-30-75; Am. Ord. 87-06, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 93-52, passed 9-1-93)
   (K)   Rule 11. Special committees may be appointed by the President for the consideration of any particular question or matter.
   (L)   Rule 12. All committees to whom any matter may be referred shall report in writing if requested by any member. Minority reports may be submitted signed by the dissenting member or members.
   (M)   Rule 13. On the acceptances of a final report from a special committee, such committee shall stand discharged without vote unless it be otherwise ordered. All reports made by committees or officers of the village, all resolutions adopted, all ordinances as presented and passed, all communications, petitions, and the like received, and, generally all papers presented to be acted on, shall be filed and carefully preserved by the Clerk.
   (N)   Rule 14. All petitions or communications shall be addressed to the President and Board of Trustees and shall be in writing and filed with the Clerk.
   (O)   Rule 15. When a Trustee wishes to present a communication, petition, order, resolution, or other original matter, he shall briefly state its nature before presenting the same.
   (P)   Rule 16. No person, except a member of the Board, shall be permitted to address the President or the Board without the consent of the President.
   (Q)   Rule 17. All standing committees shall have the power in case of emergency to correct the cause of such emergency, the cost of which shall not exceed $500.
   (R)   Rule 18. The order of business of this Board shall be as follows:
      (1)   Calling the roll of members.
      (2)   Minutes of last meeting or meetings.
      (3)   Reports of committees and officers.
      (4)   Old business.
      (5)   New business.
      (6)   Adjournment.
(Ord. 71-4, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 75-15, passed 7-30-75; Am Ord. 89-12, passed 5-10-89)
   (S)   Rule 19. The President shall decide all questions of order, and, in all cases not covered by these rules or where they are not applicable, the Board shall be governed by parliamentary law as laid down in the current edition of "Roberts' Rules of Order."
   (T)   Rule 20. When a question is before the Board, no motions shall be in order but to adjourn; lay on the table; previous question; postpone indefinitely; postpone to a certain time, to commit; and amend. These motions shall be privileged and have precedence in the order named.
(Ord. 75-15, passed 7-30-75)