Foreclosure | |
Registration Fee | $300 |
Late Fee | Recurring 10% of registration and renewal fee every 30 days |
Registration triggers | - Pre-filing (default)i, occupied or facant - Post-filing (NODii/LPiii), occupied or vacant - REOiv, occupied or vacant |
Renewal | 6 month |
Org exemptions | VA, HUD, USDA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac |
Property exemptions | N/a |
Vacant Private Owner | |
Registration fee | $300 |
Late Fee | Recurring 10% of registration and renewal fee every 30 days |
Registration triggers | Vacant/60 days/private owner |
Renewal | 6 months |
Org exemptions | N/A |
Property exemptions | Vacant lots |
i Pre-filing(default) - captures the time period during which the terms of the mortgage are not being complied with but before a notice of default or a lis pendens is filed. ii NOD - Notice of default iii LP - Lis Pendens iv REO - Real estate owned | |
(Ord. 2019-001, passed 3-20-19)