Except as provided below, no plat of subdivisions shall be approved unless the preliminary plat and accompanying material indicate that measures to be taken, to control erosion and sedimentation will be adequate assurance that sediment is not transported from the site by a storm event of ten-year frequency or less and that the following principles will be applicable to all development activities in the area to be subdivided. Items (A), (B), and (C) shall be included on the preliminary plat, while items (D) through (H) shall be incorporated into the engineering plans.
(A) Development shall be related to the topography and soils of the site so as to create the least potential for erosion. Areas of steep slopes were high cuts and fill may be required shall be avoided wherever possible and natural contours shall be followed as closely as possible.
(B) Natural vegetation shall be retained and protected wherever possible. Areas immediately adjacent to natural watercourses shall be left undisturbed wherever possible.
(C) The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed for the shortest practical time during development.
(D) Sediment basins, debris basins, desilting basins, or silt traps or filters shall be installed and maintained to remove sediment from run-off waters from land undergoing development.
(E) The selection of erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be based on assessment of the probable frequency of climatic and other events likely to contribute to erosion, and on evaluation of the risks, costs and benefits involved.
(F) In the design of erosion control facilities and practices, aesthetics and the requirements of continuing maintenance shall be considered.
(G) A provision shall be made to accommodate the increased run-off caused by changed soil and surface conditions during the after development. Drainageways shall be designed to that their final gradients and the resultant velocities of discharges will not create additional erosion, and shall be protected against erosion and sedimentation during development.
(H) Permanent vegetation and structure shall be installed as soon as practical during development.
(Ord. 89-15, passed 5-10-89)