(A) At the time of submission of a final plat of subdivision, a final engineering plan or plans of public improvements shall also be submitted. There shall be five copies of the final engineering plans and 15 copies of the final plats of subdivision submitted. These documents shall include at least the following: Items (11), (12)(a), (12)(b), (12)(c) and (14) shall be included in the preliminary plat, while items (12)(d) and (13) shall be incorporated into the engineering plans.
(1) A title sheet showing the name of the project, section, township and range, and index of sheets, a tabulations of symbols, location of benchmarks, and a graphic location with respect to nearest traveled streets and roads.
(2) A detailed grading plan indicating the vertical elevations of all houses, lot corners, and point of change in gradient. Directions of flow of surface waters will be delineated with arrows and the gradient of the land indicated above the arrows. Curb elevations will be indicated opposite each lot corner and at all changes in gradient.
(3) A detailed plan of street improvements showing horizontal and vertical locations of all street and sidewalk improvements and including horizontal and vertical locations of all points of curvature, points of intersection, points of tangency, points of vertical curvature, points of vertical intersection, and points of vertical tangency. Radii of intersection of streets will be shown on this plan.
(4) A detailed plan of storm sewer improvements showing horizontal and vertical location of all manholes, catch basins, inlets, headwalls, and the like and indicating lengths, types, and grades and gradients of all storm sewers, ditches, and detention areas. Cross sections will be required for all ditches having side slopes greater than ten horizontal to one vertical (10:1). Manholes, catch basins, and inlets will be dimensioned from lot corners.
(5) A detailed plan of sanitary sewer improvements showing horizontal and vertical locations of all manholes, and indicating lengths, types, and grades and gradients of all sanitary sewers. Manholes will be dimensioned from lot corners.
(6) A detailed plan of water system improvements indicating horizontal and vertical location of all fire hydrants and valve vaults and showing lengths, sizes, and locations of all water mains.
(7) Plans and profiles drawn at a scale not to exceed one inch equals 50 feet horizontally and one inch to ten feet vertically indicating additional horizontal and vertical location of streets, sewers, appurtenances, and the existing grade.
(8) Such additional details as are necessary to clarify the extent or manner of construction.
(9) Detailed material and construction specifications concerning the work to be performed including general conditions of the contract acceptable by the village.
(10) A detailed cost estimate of the work to be performed.
(11) A vicinity map, in sufficient detail to enable easy location in the field of the site for which plat approval is sought, and including the boundary line and approximate acreage of the site, existing zoning and legend and scale.
(12) A development plan of the site showing:
(a) Existing topography of the site and adjacent land with approximately 100 feet of the boundaries, drawn at no greater than two-foot contour intervals and clearly portraying the conformation and drainage pattern of the area.
(b) The location of existing buildings, structures, utilities, water bodies, flood plains, drainage facilities, vegetative cover, paved areas and other significant natural or man-made features on the site and adjacent land within approximately 100 feet of the boundary.
(c) A general description of the predominance soil types on the site, their location and their limitations for the proposed use.
(d) Proposed use of the site, including present development and planned utilizations; areas of excavation, grading and filling; proposed contours, finished grades and street profiles, provisions for storm drainage, including the control of accelerated runoff, with a drainage area map and computation, kinds and locations of utilities; and areas and acreage proposed to be paved, covered, sodded or seeded, vegetatively stabilized of left undisturbed.
(13) An erosion and sedimentation control plan showing:
(a) All erosion and sedimentation control measure necessary to meet the objectives of this ordinance throughout all phases of construction and permanently after completion of development of the site.
(b) Seeding mixtures and rates, types of sod, method of seed bed preparation, expected seeding dates, type and rate of lime and fertilizer application, and kind and quality of mulching for both temporary and permanent vegetative control measures.
(c) Provisions for maintenance of control facilities, including easements and estimates of the cost of maintenance.
(d) Identification of the person or entity which will have legal responsibility for maintenance or erosion control structures and measures after development is completed.
(14) The proposed phasing of development of the site, including stripping and clearing, rough grading and construction, and final grading and landscaping. Phasing should identify the expected date on which clearing will begin, the estimated duration of exposure of cleared areas and the sequence of clearing, installation of temporary sediment control measures, installation of storm drainage, paving streets and parking areas, and establishment of permanent vegetative cover.
(15) These submissions shall be prepared in accordance with the standards and requirements contained in "Procedures and Standards for Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control in Illinois" prepared by the Steering Committee and adopted by the Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District, which standards and requirements are hereby incorporated into this section by reference.
(16) The President and Board of Trustees may waive specific requirements for the content of submissions upon finding that the information submitted is sufficient to show that the work will comply with the objectives and principles of this chapter.
(B) Upon receipt of these final plans, the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission shall refer same to the Village Engineer for his comments and corrections. The Village Engineer shall review these plans for compliance with the requirements of the village, and shall return them, together with his recommendations to the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission and the Village Board of Trustees. One set of the reviewed plans with suggested changes shall be returned to the subdivider at the time of final approval. The Village Engineer may, at his discretion, confer with the engineer for the developer concerning correction to the final plans prior to his final approval. All final plans shall be submitted on mylar or vellum and shall bear the signature and embossed seal of the state registered professional engineer under whose directions they were prepared.
(C) No substantial deviations from these plans and specifications will be allowed without the written permission of the Village Board. Field changes will be allowed by the Village Engineer. Such field changes shall be recorded with the Building Commissioner.
(D) The Village Engineer shall be empowered to require such field and laboratory tests as may be necessary to insure the quality of the work. The costs of such tests shall be borne by the subdivider.
(Ord. 77-05, passed 4-6-77); Am. Ord. 89-15, passed 5-10-89; Am. Ord. 95-06, passed 4-10-95)