(A) The maximum lengths of blocks may be permitted up to 1,800 feet. Blocks over 800 feet may require crosswalk easements. Crosswalk easements not less than ten feet in width shall be provided where deemed necessary by the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission at the approximate centers of the blocks. The use of additional cross-walkways in any instance to provide safe and convenient access to schools, parks, or other similar destinations may be recommended by the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission.
(B) No specific rule concerning the shape of blocks is made but blocks must fit easily into the overall plan of the village and their design must evidence consideration of lot planning, traffic flow, and public areas.
(Ord. 77-05, passed 4-6-77; Am. Ord. 95-06, passed 4-10-95) Penalty, see § 156.99