As used in this chapter unless another definition is provided or the content otherwise requires:
   (a)    "Active deposit" means a deposit of the City's public moneys payable or withdrawable, in whole or in part, on demand, or a deposit in a negotiable order of withdrawal account as authorized in the Consumer Checking Account Equity Act of 1980, 94 Stat. 146, 12 U.S.C.A. 1832(a).
   (b)    "Eligible depository" or "eligible depositories" means:
      (1)    Any national bank located in Ohio and any bank as defined in Ohio R.C.1101.01 which is subject to inspections by the State Superintendent of Banks; and
      (2)   Any domestic building and loan association as defined in Ohio R.C. 1151.01 authorized to accept deposits.
   (c)    "Public moneys" means all moneys in the treasury of the City, or moneys coming lawfully into the possession of the City's Finance Director.
   (d)    "Uniform Depository Act" means Ohio R.C. Chapter 135 and any amendment or supplement thereto. Wherever any provision of the Uniform Depository Act is made applicable under this chapter, such provisions are applicable only to the extent that they are not in conflict with or inconsistent with the City's Charter and ordinances or resolutions.
      (Ord. 128-1984. Passed 9-10-84.)