(a)    Part-time firemen shall receive the following:
      (1)    Compensation for attending the State Fire School as authorized by the City Fire Chief will be as designated in the Part-time Firefighters Contract.
      (2)    Compensation for attending the Regional Fire School at Bowling Green State University as authorized by the City Fire School will be meals for each day at the City's designated rate and mileage if the City doesn't provide transportation at the rate established by the City. Application for such travel is to be made on forms prescribed by the Mayor or City Administrator.
   (b)    When traveling for City business, all full-time and regular part-time employees of the City shall receive the following:
       (1)    When meals are not included in the function fees, the City will pay five dollars ($5.00) for breakfast, eight dollars ($8.00) for lunch and twelve dollars ($12.00) for dinner. These meal allowances do not require receipts. When the meal costs exceed the allowance, and if there are receipts and administrative approval, the excess may be paid. There is no "meal allowance" for functions in Lucas County.
      (2)    The City will pay the reasonable and customary rate for lodging. Any more expensive accommodation requires written justification and administrative approval.
      (3)    A City-owned vehicle shall be used for transportation when possible. If a private vehicle is used, the mileage reimbursement shall be in accordance with Section 175.17. Air fare, when available and feasible, shall be at the "coach class". Mileage reimbursement, unless otherwise justified and administratively approved, shall not exceed the lowest air fare and related expenses (ground transportation between home, the airport, and the final destination).
      (4)    Other miscellaneous costs directly related to the City shall be reimbursed with receipts. Tolls, parking meters and tips may not require receipts if reasonable and justified.
(Ord. 196-1997. Passed 8-25-97.)