(a)    There is hereby granted to each regular full-time employee as bonus vacation days or pay in lieu of the days for unused sick leave during each current year as follows:
Days of Unused Sick Leave
Accrued During A Calendar       Bonus Vacation
Year     Days Granted
15           5
14           5
13           4 ½
12           4 ½
11           4
10          4
Less than 10       0
    During the first three-quarters of each calendar year, employees will be credited with one-half day of vacation bonus for each quarter that sick leave is not used. Each one-half day of vacation bonus so credited will not be lost regardless of the amount of sick leave used in the fourth quarter of the year. At the end of the fourth quarter, employees will receive vacation bonus days as provided in the schedule above. No employee may exceed five bonus vacation days. In lieu of vacation bonus days, an eligible employee may choose to be paid his/her regular rate of pay for the amount of vacation bonus days earned. Written request for such payment must be made prior to June 1 of a given year, and shall be paid not later than the second pay period following the request. All bonus vacation days not cashed out must be used in the year following the calendar year in which they were earned.
(Ord 228-2000. Passed 12-11-00.)
   (b)    Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 175.07(j) and (k), employees with more than two hundred and twenty days of accrued but unused sick leave who do not use sick leave to which they would otherwise become entitled are still entitled to receive vacation bonus in accordance with the foregoing schedule.
(Ord 39-1986. Passed 4-14-86.)