175.06 HOLIDAYS.
    (a)    All regular full-time employees of the City shall receive holiday pay for each of the following holidays as set forth below:
New Year's Day     January 1        8
One Personal Day     Employee's choice -
          with approval of supervisor 8
Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday in January 8
Good Friday-between Friday before Easter
the hours of 12:00    Sunday        4
noon and 5:00 p.m.
Memorial Day     Last Monday in May     8
Independence Day     July 4           8
Labor Day        First Monday in September 8
Veterans Day     November 11        8
Thanksgiving Day     Fourth Thursday in November 8
Friday after Thanksgiving Fourth Friday in November 8
Day before Christmas December 24        8
Christmas Day     December 25        8
Day before New Year's Day December 31             8
providing that the employee works or is on a paid leave the regularly scheduled working days immediately preceding and immediately following such holiday.
   (b)    This section shall not be construed to change or affect working schedules established for officers, patrolmen and dispatchers of the Police Division or other employees on similar shift arrangement. These employees shall receive an extra day off with full compensation for each holiday.
   (c)    Employees will not be considered to have worked such regularly scheduled working days preceding or following a holiday if on sick leave unless excused upon presentation of a certificate of inability to work by a duly licensed physician.
   (d)    Regular part-time employees shall receive holiday pay for their regularly scheduled hours which fall on any of the above holidays.
(Ord. 169-1984. Passed 12-26-84.)