(a)   Building Materials:   All exterior walls of principal buildings shall be comprised of the following materials: brick, stone, cultured or cast stone, E.I.F.S., wood, fibrous cement, pre-cast concrete panels, urethane wall panels, embossed kynar wall panels, or stucco textured wall panels. Textured cement block or split face block may be utilized but shall not comprise more than twenty percent (20%) of the building's façade.
   (b)   Building Entrance: Any building entrance that faces a public right-of-way shall clearly defined with façade variations, porticos, roof variations, recesses and projections, or other integral building forms.
   (c)   Wall Articulation: Exterior walls of principal buildings shall be subdivided and proportioned to human scale, using projections, overhangs and recesses in order to add architectural interest and variety and to avoid the effect of a single, massive wall with no relation to human size.
   Facades of principal buildings that can be viewed from rights-of-way, may not have blank, uninterrupted wall lengths exceeding fifty (50) feet without including at least two (2) of the following: change in plane, change in texture or masonry pattern, windows, trellis with vines, or an equivalent element that subdivides the wall into human scale proportions.
(Ord. 066-2022. Passed 3-28-22.)