Section 3c. Action Upon Requisition for Position of Firefighter 2 (Paramedic).
   Notwithstanding the above, the Commission shall, immediately upon receipt of a request for certification for the position of Firefighter 2 (Paramedic), certify to the appointing authority from the preliminary eligibility list for those positions the names, addresses and grades of one-half of the persons standing highest on such appropriate eligibility list up to a maximum of twenty (20) candidates (ties included). If the eligibility list consists of twenty (20) names or less, ten (10) names shall be certified.
   If a current City of Oregon Firefighter 1 (EMT) meets all the required qualifications and certifications for the Firefighter 2 (Paramedic) position, their name will also be included on the eligibility list and will be awarded an opportunity to interview for said position without the need to take a written test or undergo a physical agility examination. Current City of Oregon Firefighter 1 - EMT's have already taken and passed the required written test and physical agility examinations in order to be hired full-time by the Fire Department. In terms of certification, such candidate(s) will be part of the one-half of the persons standing highest on such eligibility list as addressed above. (Added 7-27-21)