(a)   The City of Oregon authorizes the Finance Director, Treasurer, and other employees of the City, who are permitted or required in the performance of their duties to affix their signature on any check, draft, warrant, voucher or other instrument for the payment of money, to prepare and utilize a facsimile signature, in lieu of their manual signature and to affix such facsimile signature to any of the following instruments: checks, drafts, warrants, vouchers, or other instruments for the payment of money and necessary or desirable in connection with the withdrawal of City funds for and on its behalf. The individuals specified may affix their manual or facsimile signature to the instruments identified so long as they continue to act as such officers/employees of the City. Said checks, drafts, warrants, vouchers, or other instruments may be drawn or relate to the accounts of the City of Oregon with the various financial institutions (depositories/banks) with which the City of Oregon conducts business.
   (b)   Facsimile signature is defined to include, but is not limited to, the reproduction of any authorized signature by a copper plate, or by a photographic, photo static, or mechanical device. Facsimile signature does not authorize the use of a rubber stamp signature for any of the instruments detailed above.
(Ord. 144-2009. Passed 10-26-09.)