(a) When any building is erected, relocated or rebuilt on a lot in the district which is adjacent to a residential use, there shall be provided on the abutting side yard and/or rear yard, a yard area as required in the adjacent residence and such yard shall be effectively screened and/or fenced from the residential district. A lot in the district shall be considered adjacent to a residential use although a street or other public way is interposed between such lot and the residence.
(b) In addition to the provisions of subsection (a) above, the screening shall also meet the following standards:
(1) No refuse, garbage, trash, container for refuse, garbage or trash, merchandise building materials vehicles or other material or equipment shall be stored or placed within the minimum yards as required by this section.
(2) Materials or equipment as set forth in subsection (b)(1) above may be stored or placed in yards other than such minimum required yards only if they are screened or fenced in such a way so that the same are not visible by persons at the street level in the residential uses. The screening or fencing shall be constructed and maintained at a height of not less than four feet and not more than seven feet above grade and shall be constructed and maintained using the following materials:
A. Acoustical blocks, or
B. Decorative masonry or wood used, upright evergreens shall, in addition thereto, be planted on the side of the wall or fence nearest to the residential district. The maximum spacing between the plantings shall not exceed five feet.
(Ord. 11-1989. Passed 1-23-89.)