A maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the net site area including drives and parking areas, less public rights of way, may be devoted to commercial activities. Maximum gross commercial floor area in a project shall be sufficient to create a viable neighborhood service facility as determined by the Planning Commission. Such activities shall conform to all other sections of this Zoning Ordinance relating to commercial activities.
   Pedestrian and vehicular access from residential to commercial areas of the site must be provided. Access to commercial areas from outside the site shall not pass through residential areas. Residential areas shall be suitably screened from commercial areas, and there shall not be joint usage of parking areas. There shall be at least 100 feet of frontage on a public right of way included within the commercial areas.
   Residential areas must occupy at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the site including drives and parking areas, less public right of way.
   Such areas must include at least the following amount of contiguous usable open space to be made available to project residents for recreational activities:
   (a)   Fifty dwelling units or fewer: one-half acre.
   (b)   For each additional fifty dwellings units or portion thereof: one-half acre or portion thereof.
(Ord. 269-2001. Passed 12-17-01.)