Except as hereinafter provided by this Zoning Ordinance:
   (a)   No building or structure shall hereafter be constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, converted, moved or structurally altered, nor shall any building, structure or land be used except for a purpose permitted in the use district in which the building, structure or land is located.
   (b)   No building or structure shall hereafter be constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, converted, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the bulk, height and area regulations, minimum yard requirements, location requirements, and minimum off-street parking and loading requirements of this Zoning Ordinance for the use district in which such building or structure is located.
   (c)   No part of the minimum yards, including both lot area and setbacks, parking spaces or other open spaces required about any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be encroached upon or be included as a part of the yard parking space or open space similarly required for another building.
   (d)   Every building hereafter erected or structurally altered in an agricultural or residential district shall be located on a lot. Only one main building and one main use of that building shall be allowed on such lot, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance.
   (e)   A parcel of land under common ownership, with or without buildings, shall not be reduced or subdivided below the minimum lot width, depth and lot area required by this Ordinance.
   (f)   No parcel of land less than 330 feet in width shall hereafter be subdivided so as to have a depth greater than three and one-half times its width.
   (g)   Two or more parcels or lots of record, when contiguous and when held in common ownership may be treated together as a single lot for purposes of meeting the area requirements of this Ordinance, provided such lots are located in the same use district. When such lots are treated as one lot, they shall be legally combined as one lot of record.
(Ord. 269-2001. Passed 12-17-01.)